So lemme break down what happened very quickly. Wie was 5 shots off the lead entering the back nine when she drove her ball just barely in the water. She opted to attempt to hit the ball out of the water having her right foot in the water with her left up on the bank. She hit the ball out of the water but it rolled back across the hazard line. When your ball is in the hazard you cannot ground your club. Wie clearly grounded her club after the ball rolled back into the hazard right in front of her. She said she was using the club to support her balance and help her from falling back into the water.
In no way during the 20 times I saw the clip did it look like she was using the club to help support her balance. She also said she closed her eyes and thought the ball went out of the hazard, so she then put her club down. In the video you can clearly see that she was looking at the ball as it rolled back into the hazard and then delicately laid her club on the grass, putting hardly any weight on it. Wie whined and whined appealing the rule and sounded like a kid who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the difference in receiving the penalty and not receiving it was only $100,000 dollars!
Wie also got DQ'd from a tourney years ago for taking a drop that was closer to the hole and also withdrew from a tournament with a "wrist injury" during a round where she was 14 over through 7 holes and on her way to shooting an 88. Well under LPGA rules a non-member(which Wie was at the time) who shoots an 88 or higher has to withdraw from the tournament and is banned from sanctioned events for the rest of the season.